Professor Rudolf Allemann FLSW
Pro Vice-Chancellor International and Student Recruitment, Cardiff University

Professor Nora de Leeuw MAE FLSW
Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences, University of Leeds

Professor Pearl Dykstra MAE
Research Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Professor Lorna Hughes MAE
Professor, University of Glasgow

Professor Wendy Larner FLSW
President and Vice-Chancellor, Cardiff University

Professor Genoveva Martí MAE
ICREA Research Professor, Universitat de Barcelona

Professor Valerie O’Donnell FMedSci MAE FLSW
Research Professor, Cardiff University

Sir John Skehel FRS FMedSci MAE
Vice-President and Biological Secretary, The Royal Society

Professor Hywel Thomas FRS MAE FLSW
Professor, Cardiff University, President of the Learned Society of Wales

Professor John Tucker MAE FLSW
Professor, Swansea University

Sir Mark Walport FRS FMedSci MAE
UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser (2013-2017) and Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) (2017-2020). Chair of the Steering Group
Steering Group meetings
The Hub’s Steering Group meets annually. The Steering Group plays an important role in shaping the Hub’s future priorities and activities.