Gender Equality in Research and Innovation

The AE Cardiff Hub joined the Horizon 2020-funded CALIPER project in 2022, as part of a consortium of organisations that aim to address gender equality within research and innovation in Europe.

About the CALIPER project

The CALIPER project’s goal was to make research organisations more gender equal by increasing the number of female researchers in STEM, improving their careers prospects and integrating a gender dimension in research.

The project supported nine research organisations, predominantly in Southern and Eastern Europe, to establish Gender Equality Plans.

Here are some key facts about the CALIPER project.

AE Cardiff’s role in CALIPER

The Cardiff Hub led on communications across Europe and encourages wider engagement with the project, producing digital content and organising events. In this, we worked closely with the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) and Academia Europaea (AE).

More about CALIPER

Find out more about the project’s updates and take a look at our role model interviews.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 873134.

Interview Spotlight Series

Explore our collection of interviews, featuring Members of Academia Europaea and colleagues connected with the Academy, as they offer insights into critical research topics.

A collaboration between Academia Europaea and Cardiff University