
Digital media in crisis situations: rethinking their role and function

At this special online event held on Wales’ national day, St David’s Day, on 1st March 2021, our panellists discussed the role of the digital media on our public debate, attitudes and behaviour during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Over 100 joined the webinar from 23 countries across the world.

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World Academy of Art and Sciences celebrates its 60th anniversary

Academia Europaea and the Cardiff Hub were delighted to support WAAS at its recent anniversary meeting, called ‘A Planetary Moment’, held on 15th-19th February. 

WAAS’s 60th anniversary meeting, held online, assembled a range of expert panels to discuss key issues such as sustainable development, the role of youth, leadership, and human security.  The approach to Academia Europaea to participate in the meeting came from Professor Thomas Reuter MAE, a WAAS Board Member.

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Evidence for Policymakers conference attracts global audience

President of Academia Europaea, Professor Sierd Cloetingh and AE Vice-President Professor Ole Petersen presented at the conference which attracted 300 participants from around the world.

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Academia Europaea announces election of its new President

The Academy’s Board of Trustees has announced that Professor Marja Makarow has been confirmed as the next President of Academia Europaea, taking over the post from Professor Sierd Cloetingh in October 2021.

Professor Marja Makarow will be the seventh President since AE was established in 1988, and the Academy’s first female President. Professor Makarow will take up the role of President-elect in December 2020 and will then assume the Presidency in October 2021. 

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Large global audience joins interactive webinar on Science Advice and COVID-19, co-organised by the AE Cardiff Hub

Over 240 participants attended the live session from 36 countries which was moderated by Professor Ole Petersen, Vice-President of Academia Europaea and Director of the Cardiff AE Hub, and hosted by SAPEA.  The discussant was Sir Mark Walport, the incoming Chair of the Cardiff Hub Steering Group.

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Sir Mark Walport and Professor Rudolph Allemann join AE Cardiff Hub Steering Group

AE Cardiff is delighted to welcome two new members to its Steering Group, Sir Mark Walport and Professor Rudolph Allemann

Sir Mark Walport FRS FMedSci MAE was the UK’s Government Chief Scientific Adviser between 2013 and 2017 and the Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) from 2017 to 2020. Professor Rudolph Allemann FLSW is Pro Vice-Chancellor of International and Student Recruitment at Cardiff University.

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‘Trusting Politicians, Trusting Experts’ by Baroness Onora O’Neill MAE

There is a high level of trust in scientists and a low level of trust in politicians. How is working together likely to impact on levels of trust in scientists and politicians and the relationship between scientists and politicians? 

By Onora O’Neill

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Making decisions at times of uncertainty, by Nils-Eric Sahlin MAE

Professor Nils-Eric Sahlin MAE tells us about his research on decision-making under conditions of uncertainty, and his contribution to the evidence review on ‘Making Sense of Science for Policy’, coordinated by Academia Europaea.

About Nils-Eric Sahlin MAE

Professor Nils-Eric Sahlin MAE is the former Chair of the Swedish Research Council’s Expert Group on Ethics and a current member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE).  He was a member of the SAPEA international working group that produced the Evidence Review Report, Making Sense of Science for Policy under Conditions of Complexity and Uncertainty (SAPEA, 2019), which was coordinated by Academia Europaea.

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Working at the interface between academia and policy, by Barbara Prainsack MAE

Professor Barbara Prainsack MAE shares her experiences of the vital relationship between academia and policy.

About Barbara Prainsack

Barbara Prainsack is a Professor for Comparative Policy Analysis at the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna and Professor of Sociology at the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine at King’s College London. A political scientist, her expertise lies at the interface of policy and biomedicine and life science, and policy and forensics respectively. In 2017 Professor Prainsack was appointed by President Jean-Claude Juncker to be a Member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, advising the European Commission. She was elected to the Academia Europaea in 2019.

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A successful workshop at the Royal Irish Academy on Making Sense of Science for Policy

On 11th February, a well-attended workshop took place at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, to discuss the recent Making Sense of Science for Policy report and its implications for policymaking at European and national level. 

Speakers at the workshop included Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer (Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors); Professor Ole Petersen (Vice-President, Academia Europaea); Professor Maria Baghramian (SAPEA Working Group) and Professor Peter Halligan (Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales).

From left to right: Professor Peter Halligan, Dr Cliona Murphy, Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Professor Maria Baghramian, Professor Peter Kennedy and Professor Ole Petersen
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Interview Spotlight Series

Explore our collection of interviews, featuring Members of Academia Europaea and colleagues connected with the Academy, as they offer insights into critical research topics.

A collaboration between Academia Europaea and Cardiff University