AE Translational Medicine Conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Academia Europaea’s Translational Medicine project took a big step forward last week (23rd – 24th September 2019), when its Consensus Workshop on ‘Frontiers in Translational Medicine’ took place at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest.

Some of the key participants in the Translational Medicine Conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 23/24 September 2019: From left to right: Dr Shuang Peng (Associate Professor of Pathophysiology, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China), Professor Ole Petersen CBE MAE FRS (Vice-President of Academia Europaea), Dr Joao Monterio (Editor-in-Chief of Nature Medicine) and Professor Peter Hegyi MAE (Deputy Chair of AE’s Clinical and Veterinary Science Section)
Some of the key participants in the Translational Medicine Conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 23rd-24th September 2019. From left to right: Dr Shuang Peng (Associate Professor of Pathophysiology, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China), Professor Ole Petersen CBE MAE FRS (Vice-President of Academia Europaea), Dr Joao Monterio (Editor-in-Chief of Nature Medicine) and Professor Peter Hegyi MAE (Deputy Chair of AE’s Clinical and Veterinary Science Section)

The overall aim of the project is to shorten the time gap between the acquisition of knowledge and its use in the implementation of improved health care and healthy lifestyles.

The project, supported by AE’s Hubert Curien Fund, the University of Pecs’ Medical School, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and AE’s Cardiff Knowledge Hub, is led by Professor Peter Hegyi MAE from the Universities of Pecs and Szeged in Hungary, who chaired the conference, with additional input and advice from the Chair of AE’s Clinical and Veterinary Science Section, Professor Stephen Holgate CBE MAE and Professor Ole Petersen CBE FRS MAE, Vice-President of AE.

Aspects of translational medicine explored

The presentations at the meeting dealt with some of the most important aspects of translational medicine, including:

  • roadblocks to patient benefit from research
  • repairing broken pipelines by supporting translational medicine
  • how to assess the impact of research
  • challenges with publishing translational research
  • to publish or patent
  • involving patients and the public in research
  • co-operative research between clinical and basic research laboratories
  • how to reach different audiences
  • and translational medicine for achieving Healthy China 2030


Prominent scientists, clinicians and medical science editors from all over the world presented and participated actively in the discussions, including:

  • Jeffrey Laurence (Editor-in-Chief of Translational Research, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York)
  • Joao Paulo Monterio (Editor-in-Chief of Nature Medicine, New York)
  • Lajos Kemeny MAE (Szeged University)
  • Zoe Ann Gray (University of Southampton)
  • Andras Varro MAE (Szeged University)
  • Tara Lamont (University of Southampton)
  • and Shuang Peng (Jinan University, Guangzhou)


Concrete recommendations were discussed in 6 different work packages: Healthcare, Science, Knowledge, Communication, Interdisciplinary and Academy, led by the following colleagues in Peter Hegyi’s Translational Medicine Unit at the University of Pecs: Balint Eross, Andras Garami, Zsolt Szakacs, Dalma Dobszai, Andrea Szentesi and Marta Balasko.

Next steps

The outcome of this Translational Medicine Conference will be a written report that will be published and made available to all interested organisations and individuals.


30th September 2019. For further information please contact Juliet Davies, Executive Officer

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