Tag: Science advice series
This webinar, held on 29th November 2022, brought together experts from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds to address the question.
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Science advice at times of crisis: what roles for universities and academies?
At this webinar, held on 25th April 2022, 6 international networks came together to discuss the roles of university and academy networks in providing science advice, particularly at times of crisis. 130 joined the ‘live’ webinar, from 28 countries across the world.
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EU policy on biodegradable plastics: experts, policymakers and other stakeholders discuss the issues
This webinar brought together EU policymakers and stakeholders to discuss opportunities and challenges in developing a policy framework for biodegradable plastics. Held on 16th June 2021, it was attended by 300 people.
The event was hosted by Mohammed Chahim MEP, Co-chair of the Circular Economy Working Group of the European Parliament Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development. It is part of a series of events drawing on the SAPEA Evidence Review Report Biodegradability of plastics in the open environment and the associated Scientific Opinion by the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors.
An overview of the webinar discussions is provided below.
Continue reading “EU policy on biodegradable plastics: experts, policymakers and other stakeholders discuss the issues”Biodegradable plastics: how do we engage with consumers and society?
A lively discussion took place at our webinar on 21st May 2021, as a panel of experts shared their ideas on biodegradable plastics and how to engage with consumers and society. Over 200 people joined the online event from 37 countries around the world.
The webinar was organised by SAPEA, in partnership with the Royal Irish Academy, as part of a series of events drawing on the Evidence Review Report ‘Biodegradable plastics in the open environment’ and the associated Scientific Opinion by the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors.
Continue reading “Biodegradable plastics: how do we engage with consumers and society?”Digital media in crisis situations: rethinking their role and function
At this special online event held on Wales’ national day, St David’s Day, on 1st March 2021, our panellists discussed the role of the digital media on our public debate, attitudes and behaviour during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Over 100 joined the webinar from 23 countries across the world.
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Launch webinar on Biodegradable Plastics
The first SAPEA webinar on Biodegradable Plastics attracted a large international audience of almost 170 on 4th February. The webinar brought together panellists from the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, SAPEA and the European Commission, to respond to the question, ‘Tackling plastic pollution: are biodegradable plastics the answer?’
The webinar was chaired by Professor Ole Petersen, Vice-President of Academia Europaea and Director of the AE Cardiff Hub. He outlined the role and purpose of the European Scientific Advice Mechanism, and its two principal elements, the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors and the SAPEA consortium.
Continue reading “Launch webinar on Biodegradable Plastics”Food policy webinar attracts large international audience on World Food Day
On World Food Day, 16th October, a live audience of 160 from 36 countries participated in our webinar, ‘Food policy at a time of crisis: what should the future look like?’
Continue reading “Food policy webinar attracts large international audience on World Food Day”
Large global audience joins interactive webinar on Science Advice and COVID-19, co-organised by the AE Cardiff Hub
Over 240 participants attended the live session from 36 countries which was moderated by Professor Ole Petersen, Vice-President of Academia Europaea and Director of the Cardiff AE Hub, and hosted by SAPEA. The discussant was Sir Mark Walport, the incoming Chair of the Cardiff Hub Steering Group.
A successful workshop at the Royal Irish Academy on Making Sense of Science for Policy
On 11th February, a well-attended workshop took place at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, to discuss the recent Making Sense of Science for Policy report and its implications for policymaking at European and national level.
Speakers at the workshop included Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer (Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors); Professor Ole Petersen (Vice-President, Academia Europaea); Professor Maria Baghramian (SAPEA Working Group) and Professor Peter Halligan (Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales).