Professor Petersen in Hamburg public debate

Following public events to promote the SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) project on Food from the oceans in Bergen and Cardiff earlier in the year, a third public event was hosted in the city of Hamburg, Germany on 5th October.

Priof. Edwin Kreuzer, Angela Grosse, Prof. Marian Paschke, Dr Gesche Krause, Prof. Gerd Krause, Prof. Ole Petersen, Prof. Rolf-Dieter Heuer
Prof. Edwin Kreuzer, Angela Grosse, Prof. Marian Paschke, Dr Gesche Krause, Prof. Gerd Krause, Prof. Ole Petersen, Prof. Rolf-Dieter Heuer

In co-operation between SAPEA and the Union of German Science Academies, a public debate on how to extract more food from the oceans in a sustainable manner took place at the Hamburg Academy in the centre of Hamburg. In spite of atrocious weather conditions, 120 members of the public attended this event and there was a lively and informative debate. The evening event was opened by the President of the Hamburg Academy, Professor Edwin Kreuzer and then the Chair of the European Commission’s High Level Group of Science Advisors, Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer MAE ML, explained the work of the High Level Group. The Director of the AE Cardiff Knowledge Hub and Vice-President of AE, Professor Ole Petersen MAE ML FRS outlined the SAPEA project and the role of AE.

The Food from the oceans debate itself was chaired by the Hamburg Science Journalist Angela Grosse and included valuable expert contributions from Professor Marian Paschke from the University of Hamburg, Professor Gesche Krause from the Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Ocean Research in Bremen, who is also a member of the SAPEA Working Group, and Professor Gerd Kraus, Director of the Thünen Institute for Ocean Fishery in Hamburg.

An article is available here (in German).

Find out more about Food from the oceans.

28 Oct 2017. For further information please contact Louise Edwards, Cardiff Hub Manager
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