World Academy of Art and Sciences celebrates its 60th anniversary

Academia Europaea and the Cardiff Hub were delighted to support WAAS at its recent anniversary meeting, called ‘A Planetary Moment’, held on 15th-19th February. 

WAAS’s 60th anniversary meeting, held online, assembled a range of expert panels to discuss key issues such as sustainable development, the role of youth, leadership, and human security.  The approach to Academia Europaea to participate in the meeting came from Professor Thomas Reuter MAE, a WAAS Board Member.

Professor Ole Petersen spoke at the session, The Pandemic as a Systemic Crisis, which took a holistic view of the COVID crisis from a number of disciplinary perspectives.  Professor Petersen gave his personal perspective on the pandemic as a biomedical scientist. Professor Petersen’s talk can be viewed on YouTube below (skip to 4:18)

Professor Ortwin Renn was one of two speakers at the session, Integration of Science for Society and Human Wellbeing.  He outlined the main messages of the SAPEA Evidence Review Report, Making Sense of Science for Policy. Professor Renn’s talk can be viewed on YouTube below (skip to 45.23)


Founded in 1960, WAAS serves as a forum for reflective scientists, artists, and scholars dedicated to addressing the pressing challenges confronting humanity today. 

More about AE Cardiff’s work in Science Advice

As a member of the consortium of European academies (SAPEA), Academia Europaea coordinated a major evidence review on best practice in science advice.  The report, Making Sense of Science for Policy, is available here.

23rd February 2021. For further information please contact

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