The Diamond Open Access Model: what impact on research?

At this online event held on 28th March 2022, our panellists discussed the latest developments in Open Access publishing and what it means for researchers, research-intensive institutions, funding bodies, libraries and publishers. Around 180 joined the webinar from 28 countries across the world.

The webinar was chaired by Professor Ole Petersen, Honorary Vice-President, Academia Europaea.

Professor Johan Rooryck (Executive Director of Coalition S) set the scene by defining Diamond Open Access, providing context and background, and establishing a vision for the future development of Diamond OA. Dr Bregt Saenen (Senior Policy Officer at Science Europe) then spoke of turning the vision into reality through a joint Action Plan. The Plan is open for endorsement by individuals and organisations. 

Professor Sarah de Rijcke (Scientific Director at the CSTS at Leiden University) described the transition to open science and its connection to research culture and assessment, highlighting the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. Professor Demmy Verbeke (Head of KU Leuven Libraries Artes) put forward roles for libraries in supporting Diamond OA. The final talk by Professor Toma Susi (Scientific Advisory Board at Open Research Europe) spoke about Diamond Open Access in practice, and his involvement in the recent report on the Centrality of Researchers in Reforming Research Assessment.

Following the talks, questions from the audience sparked a lively Q&A session. Topics ranged across the barriers to change and what to do about them; funding models and sustainability; and book publishing.

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Briefing paper

This briefing paper summarises key themes and ideas discussed at our webinar on 28th March 2022.

About the webinar

This was a joint event between Academia Europaea Cardiff, KU Leuven Libraries and the Young Academy of Europe

31st March 2022. For further information please contact

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A collaboration between Academia Europaea and Cardiff University