Celebrating life in Calcium Signalling, Physiology and Pathology
On 3rd March, a very special international symposium was held to mark the 80th birthday of AE Cardiff Hub Director, Professor Ole Petersen.
From left to right: Professor John Harwood (Cardiff School of Biosciences), Professor Carl Petersen MAE, Professor Alex Verkhratsky MAE, Professor Ole Petersen MAE, Professor Jim Murray MAE, Professor Valerie O’Donnell MAE and Professor Anant Parekh MAE
Celebrating Physiology in Cardiff
The Physiological Society held its ‘Celebrating Physiology’ Roadshow at Cardiff University on 29th September, where Hub Director Ole Petersen unveiled a plaque to neurophysiologist T. Graham Brown (1882-1965) and gave the keynote lecture.
Ole Petersen (left) unveils the blue plaque dedicated to T. Graham Brown with Dariel Burdass, Chief Executive of the Physiological Society and David Paterson, President of the of the Physiological Society. Photo taken by Michael Hall.
The Physiological Society held its latest Roadshow at Cardiff University’s School of Biosciences on Thursday 29th September, marking the life and work of T. Graham Brown and his contributions to the discipline of physiology.
Academia Europaea deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty the Queen
AE Cardiff Hub Director, Professor Ole Petersen CBE MAE FRS, pays tribute following the sad news of the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
The Director of the AE Cardiff Hub, Professor Ole Petersen CBE MAE FRS, who received his CBE from Her Majesty the Queen in 2008, said:
“Throughout her extraordinarily long reign, Queen Elizabeth represented with the utmost dignity and skill the ‘Great’ in Great Britain. The image of Queen Elizabeth was instantly recognised by everyone in the world and every British citizen, including all scientists, benefitted from the universal appreciation of our Queen.
I experienced this directly when I gave a series of lectures in China in 2019. Every poster announcing one of my lectures contained a picture of me with the Queen, which the organisers had found on the internet. No other introduction could have been so valuable.
The passing of Queen Elizabeth represents an immense and irreplaceable loss for all of us.”
Professor Ole Petersen awarded prestigious Palade Prize
AE Cardiff Hub Director, Professor Ole Petersen CBE FRS, has received the 2022 Palade Prize and medal by the Council of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) “in recognition of his outstanding research contribution to Pancreatology”.
Dr Pramod Garg, Secretary General of IAP, presents the award to Professor Ole Petersen.
From left to right: Professor Ole Petersen, Dr Pramod Garg, Secretary General of IAP and Professor Yoshifumi Takeyama, President of the IAP.
Professor Petersen received the Palade Prize and Medal, and gave the Palade Prize Lecture on 7th July in Kyoto, Japan, at the Joint Meeting of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) and the Japan Pancreas Society (JPS).
Academia Europaea’s Annual Members Conference, “Building Bridges” 2021
Over 300 members of Academia Europaea and the Young Academy of Europe attended the Annual Conference, hosted by the Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub.
This year’s plenary conference took place on 20th – 21st October and delegates were able to attend either online or in person at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park. You’ll find key highlights from the event below.
Professor Ole Petersen receives Academia Europaea’s Gold Medal in Barcelona
Professor Ole Petersen has received the Gold Medal for his contribution to the development of European science at Academia Europaea’s Annual Conference.
Professor Sierd Cloetingh, President of Academia Europaea, presented the Gold Medal to Professor Petersen in Barcelona on 20th October, thanking him for his service to the Academy over many decades.
International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) welcomes Ole Petersen to their Fellowship
Vice President of Academia Europaea and Cardiff Hub Director, Professor Ole Petersen, has been elected Fellow of IUPS and become an inaugural member of the IUPS Academy of Physiology.
The Fellowship has acknowledged Professor Petersen’s sustained contributions to scholarship in physiology and his distinguished career. Professor Petersen was one of the 30 elected Fellows to IUPS. In addition to Professor Petersen, seven of the inaugural Fellows are also Members of Academia Europaea:
New open access journal FUNCTION launches operations, with a review published on the potential of oral mouthwash to reduce Covid-19 transmission
We are delighted to announce that the new open access journal FUNCTION has published its first articles, with an inaugural editorial by Editor-in-Chief Ole Petersen and a review led by Cardiff University’s Professor Val O’Donnell on a possible means of reducing Covid-19 transmission through the use of oral mouthwash.
In his inaugural editorial, Professor Petersen has announced that the American Physiological Society’s new peer-reviewed open access journal FUNCTION, published in partnership with Oxford University Press, is now operational and ready to receive submissions. The first to be published is a review into the potential of oral mouthwash to reduce Covid-19 transmission in the early stages of infection. The review has been conducted by researchers from Cardiff University’s School of Medicine led by Professor Val O’Donnell, along with the universities of Nottingham, Colorado, Ottawa, Barcelona and Cambridge’s Babraham Institute, and included virologists, lipid specialists, microbicide and healthcare experts.
The review shows previous studies where chemicals commonly found in mouthwashes, such as low amounts of ethanol, povidone-iodine and cetylpyridinium damage the lipid membranes of several enveloped viruses. More research is needed to show whether this could also be effective in reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the early stages of infection.
American Physiological Society new journal ‘Function’ goes live
The American Physiological Society has launched it’s exciting new journal Function.
This new publication has been developed to provide a new home for authors welcoming a fresh, multidisciplinary option for publishing their most important physiology research
Remarkably, twelve members of the Academia Europaea (MAEs) are on Function’s editorial board.
AE Cardiff Hub Director and Vice President of Academia Europaea Professor Ole Petersen is the Editor-in-Chief.