
Briefing Series: new paper published on biodegradable plastics

The third paper in our Briefing Series, ‘Biodegradable plastics: how do we engage with consumers and society?’ is available now

This briefing paper summarises key themes and ideas discussed at our ‘Biodegradable plastics: how do we engage with consumers and society?’ webinar, held on 21st May 2021. This briefing paper presents the views expressed by our panellists who were members of the SAPEA Working Group and other experts.

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Briefing Series: new paper published on Research Integrity

The second paper in our Briefing Series, ‘Research integrity: how can we support and protect early-career researchers in cases of alleged scientific misconduct?’ is available now

This briefing paper summarises key themes and ideas discussed at our ‘Research Integrity: supporting early-career researchers in cases of alleged scientific misconduct’ webinar, held on 22nd March 2021.

At the webinar, our panel of experts explored what happens when an early-career researcher observes a more senior colleague apparently engaging in possible malpractice and what processes are in place to address potential problems and protect those involved. The backdrop to the discussion was a paper by four of the panellists, outlining one possible mechanism for investigating reported cases of possible misconduct.

This event was a partnership between the Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub, the Young Academy of Europe (YAE), SAPEA and the European Group on Ethics (EGE).

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AE Cardiff launches new Briefing Series

The first paper in the series, ‘Digital Media in crisis situations: Rethinking their role and function’, is available now.

The Briefing Series has been developed to complement AE Cardiff’s webinar series. Our first briefing paper summarises key themes and ideas discussed at our ‘Digital Media in crisis situations‘ webinar, held on 1st March 2021. A panel of experts discussed the role of the digital media on our public debate, attitudes and behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was a partnership between Academia Europaea, University of Bremen, Cardiff University, SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) and in support of the Welsh Government’s Wales in Germany 2021 initiative.

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Mapping review on biodegradable plastics published

Specialists in systematic review at Cardiff University have carried out a mapping review of recent research evidence within the field of biodegradability of plastics in the open environment.

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Cardiff Hub oversees completion of Evidence Review Report on Biodegradability of Plastics in the Open Environment

A major new Evidence Review Report entitled ‘Biodegradability of Plastics in the Open Environment’ has been published today by SAPEA. Academia Europaea led the coordination of the Evidence Review Report, with responsibility for management and delivery of the work given to the AE Cardiff Hub.

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SAPEA publishes its Sustainability Plan

Academia Europaea and its Cardiff Hub have led the work on sustainability planning for the future strategic development of SAPEA

SAPEA (Science for Policy by European Academies) has published its sustainability plan, which lays out a roadmap for the consortium’s future development in providing evidence for the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors.

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Academia Europaea Position Paper on Translational Medicine published in leading open access journal

The paper has been published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, following a Consensus Workshop on ‘Frontiers in Translational Medicine’ at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest last year.

About the paper

Translational Medicine (TM) is gaining prominence in medicine as a way to bring together basic researchers, clinicians, industry partners and policy decision makers to turn scientific knowledge into innovative therapies, medical procedures and diagnostics that benefit patients and healthcare systems, and become everyday best care practice. This multidisciplinary approach presents many challenges, and therefore Academia Europaea has launched a project to develop a model to facilitate and accelerate the utilisation of scientific knowledge for public and community benefit. 

The paper describes the development of the new model, including a renewed definition of Translational Medicine and a TM cycle that encompasses four elements: healthcare, science, knowledge and communication, all of which must be applied to achieve healthcare improvement. The paper serves as a basis for rethinking Translational Medicine, with the end result of enabling more efficient and cost-effective healthcare.

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A systematic review on the European food policy ecosystem is published

Cardiff University has led the systematic review on the European food policy ecosystem, on behalf of the SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) consortium 

The SAPEA Evidence Review Report A sustainable food system for the European Union provides an evidence base for the Scientific Opinion of the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors. It was requested by the European College of Commissioners and written by a multidisciplinary group of leading scientists, nominated by academies across Europe. Cardiff University led the systematic review for the report. Dr Alison Weightman and Professor Terry Marsden tell us how the review was conducted and its primary purpose.

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A sustainable food system for Europe: SAPEA publishes its latest report, including a systematic review by Cardiff University

A new report from SAPEA lays out the social science evidence on how a transition in our food systems can happen in an inclusive, just and timely way. The SAPEA report is accompanied by a systematic review on the food policy ecosystem, conducted by Cardiff University and overseen by Academia Europaea.

The SAPEA Evidence Review Report A sustainable food system for the European Union provides an evidence base for the Scientific Opinion of the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors. It was requested by the European College of Commissioners and written by a multidisciplinary group of leading scientists, nominated by academies across Europe. 

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Interview Spotlight Series

Explore our collection of interviews, featuring Members of Academia Europaea and colleagues connected with the Academy, as they offer insights into critical research topics.

A collaboration between Academia Europaea and Cardiff University