AE Cardiff welcomes Wendy Larner to Steering Group
Professor Dianne Edwards MAE wins Frances Hoggan Medal 2021
The Learned Society of Wales has announced that Professor Dianne Edwards MAE, highly respected member of AE Cardiff’s Steering Group, has won the Frances Hoggan Medal 2021
On 19th May, the Learned Society of Wales announced six new medallists in recognition of outstanding research and scholarship in Wales. Among those listed, Professor Dianne Edwards CBE FRS MAE FLSW, Distinguished Research Professor in Palaeobotany at Cardiff University, has been awarded this year’s Frances Hoggan Medal which celebrates outstanding research by women in STEMM subjects. Professor Edwards has been awarded “for her research into plant species, including those that existed over 400m years ago.”
Professor Donald Dingwell MAE elected to the Royal Society
The Royal Society has announced that Earth and Environmental Sciences Professor, Donald Dingwell, has been elected to their Fellowship
On 6th May, the Royal Society announced that that more than 60 exceptional scientists have been elected as Fellows and Foreign Members of the Royal Society. Donald Dingwell OC FRS MAE, Research Professor and Chair at LMU, Munich, was among those recognised for their achievements.
Stephen Holgate knighted for services to medical research in the 2020 Queen’s Birthday Honours List
Sir Mark Walport announced as new AE Cardiff Hub Steering Group Chair
Sir Mark Walport FRS FMedSci MAE, the UK’s Government Chief Scientific Adviser between 2013 and 2017 and the Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) from 2017 to 2020, is to be AE Cardiff’s new Steering Group Chair.
The announcement was made at AE Cardiff’s fifth annual steering group meeting which took place on 16th September. At the meeting, Professor Ole Petersen FRS, Director of the AE Cardiff Hub, informed that the AE Cardiff Hub Steering Group’s first Chair, Sir John Skehel FRS, would be stepping down due to other work commitments.
Sir Mark Walport and Professor Rudolph Allemann join AE Cardiff Hub Steering Group
AE Cardiff is delighted to welcome two new members to its Steering Group, Sir Mark Walport and Professor Rudolph Allemann
Sir Mark Walport Professor Rudolph Allemann
Sir Mark Walport FRS FMedSci MAE was the UK’s Government Chief Scientific Adviser between 2013 and 2017 and the Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) from 2017 to 2020. Professor Rudolph Allemann FLSW is Pro Vice-Chancellor of International and Student Recruitment at Cardiff University.